Friday, May 8, 2009

Responses to Slumdog Millionaire

In our Social Issues' class we wanted to see some of the issues that other countries face and compare our lives, situations with those of others. We watched the movie, Slumdog Millionaire, which depicts the lives and hardships of the main characters Jamal, Latika, and Salim. Here are our reviews.

Slumdog Millionaire Review
1. Overall I liked the movie, I thought there were a lot of good messages and ideas coming across in unique ways. Basically a boy that comes from the slums of Mumbai with nothing, turns his life around and wins 20,000,000 rupees on a game show.
But beneath the surface of the movie there are several social issues discussed. One of the main focuses of 'Slumdog Millionaire is the idea of prostitution and women trafficking. There are disturbing images and scenes where you can feel the gravity of the situation in Mumbai regarding prostitution. The movie portrays a beautiful girl that could have had anything she wanted, but because of her social class and family situation, she was forced into prostitution.
Another issue in the movie is the idea of poverty . The main characters all come from the slums and have lived in poverty their whole lives. When the main character, Jamal, wins 20,000,000 rupees it shows the posotive message that anyone can get out poverty if they apply themselves.
By: Phil

I thought that Slumdog Millionaire was a very good and introspective movie. But it was very difficult to watch. In the movie they're social issues such as: trafficking of women, poverty, womens rights, value of life, class system, child abuse, and so many more. They're many scenes in the movie where women are hit because they are women and not doing the "job" that women are supposed to be doing. Such as making a sandwich for their spouse and waiting on them hand and foot. Children don't get the education they deserve because there's so much poverty. Trafficking of women is a big issue in this movie, although there isn't much trafficking here in the United States, we do have similar situations such as rape and sexual abuse. That is a big social issue here. I feel like although in here we have rape and sexual abuse, you don't see much prostitution. Selling women into prostitution isn't very common here. They have to learn in a one room school house filled with many many children and only one teacher. In the beginning of the movie a women was killed because she was Muslim, this is an example of the horrible religious intolerance in India. Woman are bought into prostitution ( trafficking of women) and treated like dirt. The statistics are startling. In the articlie linked this little girl was bought into prostitution against her will. You would never hear about something like this happening here in the United States. It isn't just one women being bought into this harsh world of prostitiution it's not hundreds or thousands either, they're millions. This is what is happening in India. It is horrifying. Although this movie sounds like a series of unfortunate events their were some wonderful parts also. The hope that the people of India had was just outstanding. They never give up their dreams. Even with all of this happening around them, they smile and wake up and start the day over, with hope. My favorite part of the movie was the love story between the two young people. They were destined to be together, and although they were forced apart they found each other in the end. And it really was a happily ever after story. By: Katie
I thought that Slumdog Millionaire was a very good and introspective movie. But it was very difficult to watch. In the movie they're social issues such as: trafficking of women, poverty, womens rights, value of life, class system, child abuse, and so many more. They're many scenes in the movie where women are hit because they are women and not doing the "job" that women are supposed to be doing. Such as making a sandwich for their spouse and waiting on them hand and foot. Children don't get the education they deserve because there's so much poverty. Trafficking of women is a big issue in this movie, although there isn't much trafficking here in the United States, we do have similar situations such as rape and sexual abuse. That is a big social issue here. I feel like although in here we have rape and sexual abuse, you don't see much prostitution. Selling women into prostitution isn't very common here. They have to learn in a one room school house filled with many many children and only one teacher. In the beginning of the movie a women was killed because she was Muslim, this is an example of the horrible religious intolerance in India. Woman are bought into prostitution ( trafficking of women) and treated like dirt. The statistics are startling. In the articlie linked this little girl was bought into prostitution against her will. You would never hear about something like this happening here in the United States. It isn't just one women being bought into this harsh world of prostitiution it's not hundreds or thousands either, they're millions. This is what is happening in India. It is horrifying. Although this movie sounds like a series of unfortunate events their were some wonderful parts also. The hope that the people of India had was just outstanding. They never give up their dreams. Even with all of this happening around them, they smile and wake up and start the day over, with hope. My favorite part of the movie was the love story between the two young people. They were destined to be together, and although they were forced apart they found each other in the end. And it really was a happily ever after story. By: Meghan

Recently in Social Issues, I watched Slumdog Millionaire for the first time. To my surprise, the movie kept me very entertained, fascinated, and interested... Until the very end. Not only a very adventurous, entertaining movie, but it also contains many educational references, including an up close and personal reenactment of a young boys life in India. Although the movie clearly is not depicting the daily, ordinary life of such children, it does give us an idea of how harsh, brutal, and evil their lives can be, and how corrupted a government can become.
The movie's intense opening, that included an attack on a virtually completely innocent village, and capturing of innocent young children, and the murder of hundreds of scared villagers, really grabs the audience's attention. Including two amazing actors portraying brothers who fight their way to freedom and success despite a harsh childhood, this movies storyline is brilliant. One of the two brothers, the younger of the two, falls in love with a girl whom he rescued with his older brother years ago. He goes to such measures as becoming a contestant on the hit show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire"... just to get her attention. The other brother takes an opposite route, and becomes very caught up with himself and his bad temper, and becomes a very unlikeable man. A very interesting Movie. I highly recommend watching if you have not done so already. Its informative values are simply outstanding. By: Michael

The movie made me feel very conflicted because so many horrible thing happened to them, the girl was forced to be a prostitute which was really sad and scaring because they tried to save her but it didnt work which was really sad. It seem as if Jamal and the girl would never make it to be together but though the odds they beated it. Which was really sweet.
Poverty is real problem in India 75% of rural living people are below the poverty line. Childern play in open alley sewers and the drinking water is contaminated. Their own government discourages giving food to the poor. If cant believe it watch this video. India has many problem but I feel this one is the most important, that really needs our attention! By: Nicole