Friday, April 24, 2009


Courage by :Superchick is a song that speaks loudly for those who have an eating disorder of any kind. This has become a huge social issue, especially in the last decade. In this video you see disturbing images of supermodels and celebrities bodies. What you don't see is the average-joe looking disturbing as well. This is where we get the idea that we must be the thinnest we can possibly be. We look at these so called "role models" and "pretty people" and think that they get all of this attention. So if i'm thin like them then i'll get attention like they do. You see supermodels on the runway and think wow they look really good in that dress, but when you see them off the runway in their regular life, they don't even look human. They look sick and quite disturbing to look at. We are sending a very clear message to young girls everywhere that being thin is the only way to look. It may be hard to believe, but their are six and seven year old girls who starve themselves to look like Lindsay Lohan, but what they don't see in the magazines is that they're killing themselves and will suffer with this disease for the rest of their lives. Although some of the images in this video aren't truly the real deal, most of them are disturbing......because they're true.

Here at Glenbrook North you look around and I would say that 50% of the people here are fit and "skinny". But what about those people that aren't exactly what the "skinny" people would call "fit"? Should they feel out casted because they look "different". I think that the reason why people care so much about what other people look like here again is because of the media. People not only here atGlenbrook North , but in every school should embrace what they look like, because it truly doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's the inside that matters, and people especially teenagers need to remember that.
Author: Katie

Note from Mrs. P
This assignment was to find a song that addresses a social issue. Some of the images in the video are disturbing. Nice job Katie!

Thanks to those who have responded to our posts

Monday, April 13, 2009

Introduction to Glissues

This is our first go at a post on our new blog, Glissues. We want to focus on issues that Glenbrook students face in todays world. We have discussed many topics this year such as depression, eating disorders, political issues, economic issues, peer pressure, stress, and many more. The list seems endless, so we are trying to focus on what connects us in our community, as well as around the globe. With a focus on the age group 15-20, we have brainstormed some ideas as to what keeps us globally connected.

The idea that music and entertainment is a common piece that bonds most teenagers gave us a place to start. Entertainment covers quite a bit, including movies, TV, video games, and internet communications like email and facebook. We want to get people involved and interested in some social issues we face today through these forms of media.